You and I sitting on the verandah,
Apparently two, but one in soul, you and I…
…The stars will be watching us,
and we will show them
how it is to be the thinnest crescent moon.
You and I, unselfed, will be together,
Indifferent to idle speculation, you and I.
The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar
As we laugh together, you and I.
And what is even more amazing
Is that while here together, you and I
Are at this very moment in Iraq and Khorasan.
In one form upon this earth
And in another form in a timeless sweet land.
---Rumi, 13th c. Persian poet
Last night, the moon a chunk of tarnished silver, gauze-pink clouds, the osprey perched next to her nest, guarding, watching, hunting. The air smelled of rain. Thunder rolled in the south. For a moment, I was not afraid of death.
This morning I opened up the NY Times on-line and found this, "Living in Tents, and by the Rules, Under a Bridge".